Atlantic City Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

pedestrian1The Atlantic City pedestrian accident attorneys at Westmoreland, Vesper and Quattrone are here to represent you in matters of injuries or death from preventable accidents. We have a track record of helping people who are dealing with pain and grief achieve the compensation they deserve. Our office is located right here in the area, and we are ready to serve you.

Pedestrians and bicyclists must share our roads with cars, trucks and buses. Unfortunately, there are many drivers who do not fully understand how to safely share the road with pedestrians and bicyclists, especially in a congested tourist area such as Atlantic City. It only takes a moment for a negligent driver to cause a life changing injury or death to a pedestrian or bicyclist.

Bicyclists must adhere to the same rules of the road that drivers do, including using turn signals, riding only on the right side of the road, and obeying traffic signals and signs. That said, drivers must be aware of bicycle riders and treat them like any other vehicle on the road. Those who operate motor vehicles are responsible for safely navigating the roads along-side bicyclists.

The state of New Jersey holds drivers to a higher standard with regard to pedestrian safety. Pedestrians have the right of way when walking in marked crosswalks unless a police officer or traffic signal is regulating traffic. Drivers who are not paying attention to traffic lights, speed limits or crosswalks risk colliding with pedestrians and causing injury or even death.

Atlantic City Pedestrian Accident Attorneys – Our Process

At Westmoreland Vesper and Quattrone, we understand from experience how important it is to have the relevant facts at hand. Our team conducts a thorough investigative process of the accident. We take the time to interview witnesses and notify parties of their obligation to preserve evidence. We also review and analyze your medical records, and assist your providers with treatment.

Our process helps to maximize recovery claims for our clients, especially if the case goes to trial. Insurance companies and big corporations will fight to pay you as little as possible. We will be ready to take the case to trial if necessary.

Westmoreland, Vesper & Quattrone has a long history of successful cases, and we are ready to handle yours. We have the experience and knowledge to help you win your case. Click here to read testimonials from our satisfied clients. In addition, you can click here to see some of the results we’ve achieved for Atlantic City area residents. Our lawyers and staff are always on the side of the people. We are ready to take on insurance companies and corporations who fight to avoid compensating you.

If you or a family member has been injured, due to the negligence of others, reach out to your experienced and successful Atlantic City pedestrian accident attorneys today. Please fill out our Contact Form or call us at 609-645-1111 to learn more. We would be happy to arrange for a confidential free consultation.

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