Things to Consider Regarding Your Swimming Pool Liability

Let’s look at swimming pool liability and what you can do to reduce it. If you have a pool in your backyard, it is great for entertaining guests and beating the heat, but it also increases your personal liability. When you have guests over and an accident happens in your pool, you could be at risk for a personal injury lawsuit.
To reduce your swimming pool liability, here are a few things to keep in mind:
Build a Fence. In most townships and counties, private swimming pools require a fence. If your township or county does not require, your pool should be enclosed with a fence, especially one that is difficult for children or others to climb.
A fence is necessary to reduce the risk of injury or accidental drowning. To protect your swimming pool liability your fence should also include:
Gates that automatically shut. A spring-loaded gate will close on its own, so you don’t have to worry about someone accidentally leaving it open allowing a small child to wander unattended into the pool area.
Latches that are childproof. When you install latches, place them on the inside of the fence near the top, so that children cannot gain access to them without an adult.
See-through panels. Most people install fences for privacy, but when you have a pool, being able to see your pool from the house or other parts of your property allows you to know if anyone is near the pool unattended.
Pool covers. Investing in a complete pool cover not only cuts down on maintenance but will help prevent accidental drownings. Install a pool cover that can be attached to the side of the pool deck, making it taut and impenetrable.
Train household members in CPR and basic first aid. All members of your household should be trained in CPR and basic first aid. Drowning is not the only risk associated with pools, there are also head injuries, scrapes, cuts and limb injuries due to pool drains.
Clean up and store pool toys when not in use. When your pool is not in use, it is important to put away all pool floats and toys, so that children are not tempted to use them.
Homeowner’s Insurance. Your homeowner’s insurance should include coverage for any potential accidents associated with the pool. A $1 million umbrella policy in addition to your homeowner policy is the recommended minimum.
At Westmoreland Vesper & Quattrone, we specialize in personal injury, wrongful death and commercial litigation. We have a long history of service to the local community dating back over 50 years. To date we have recovered well over $250,000,000 in compensation of damages for our clients and their families. For a free, confidential consultation, give us a call today at 609-645-1111.